Wednesday, October 24, 2012

COMUN 2013 Update

Have to make presentations for the workshops
speak to faculty advisors on the direction we are taking ECOSOC
Many sponsorships have been found, and the priority has shifted away from finding them

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Habitat Build - 6th and 7th October

The Children of the Family we were helping

The full team - (Left to Right) - Zahara, Ahmed, Avanti, Me, Sam, Sho

Me, carrying soil for the foundation. This would be one of the hundreds of trays we would eventually carry

Returning to the top of the hill for more earth

Taking a well earned rest

Taking the empty wheel-barrow up the hill to be reloaded

Laying bricks and stuff

Friday, October 5, 2012

Goals for Habitat Build - on 6th & 7th

  • Learn new skills in building and construction - with each Habitat build we have learnt new skills because each time we worked on a different part of a house, each requiring different techniques. i hope that this build wont be different. However it all depends on the other construction workers we will be working with. sometimes they trust us with more difficult and skill-based tasks, but sometimes they just use us to carry things around. 
  • Understand the significance of the contribution i am making - making sure that i am making an improvement to this family's life.
  • Work well with the other volunteers and with the other workers to make the most of the time we have there. 2 days is not enough time to build a whole house, but i will try to contribute as much as possible
  • Improve my strength and willpower - in previous builds i have noticed that towards the end i start slackening and doing less work, this is partly because the work is really exhausting and partly because i begin to feel that i have done enough work for the day. for this build i need to have more perseverance and willpower to continue working.