The 1st Practice Debate started with a workshop for the delegates in order to familiarize them with MUN concepts. My part was to present the conference format and structure to them.
The topic was discussing the political transition in Africa, with special reference to countries like Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria.
Although the debate was good, the delegates became complacent after we praised them and their resolutions were akin to a very large pile of feces.
After the discussion of the First topic, all the committed were gathered in the auditorium to discuss the dissolving of the security council. the grounds for this motion were based in the fact that the Security council has been unable to resolve the civil unrest in Syria, and the veto powers of certain countries have left the council in a deadlock on the issue. The Secretary-General (SG) and the President of the General Assembly (PGA), both proposed that the veto powers of Security Council be removed. (on a side note, this whole thing is a joke, we cannot actually dissolve the SC, even in the MUN, it was just to create some drama) The Security Council retaliated by saying that according to UN procedure, the SC cannot be summoned by the General Assembly. The GA countered by saying that this procedure need to be revised, otherwise the SC cannot be questioned for its mistakes. The President of ECOSOC, Kaveen, sided with the SC and additionally, by making accusations against the ICJ made more enemies. with the chaos and fervor increasing, the PGA ordered the GA to escort Kaveen out, suspending him from the court. Being Loyal to the President, i called for a vote of confidence. Although the vote was very close, the PGA refused to count and said that the motion had passed. The delegates of the GA got up and approached the president of ECOSOC, who then ran around the hall.