ECOSOC's practice debate topic was dealing with the Debt Crisis in the Eurozone and coming up with solutions and policies that could solve the economic downturn. The topic was "The management of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis considering the policy approach adopted by different European Monetary Union (EMU) Members."
Overall, the quality of debate was much better than the previous debate. the delegates had researched more for this topic and the ideas put forward were very innovative and creative. However there was a certain repetition of points, harping about the effectiveness of the austerity measures and a down-voting of relevant discussion points. An idea proposed by the delegate of China to impose a temporary technocracy on the Eurozone, was not even brought into discussion because many delegates who did not understand it considered it irrelevant - even though it would have made the debate much more interesting, and even if it is not a completely democratic or feasible idea, it could have led to more solutions regarding the Eurozone. Despite a few problems like this, when the resolutions came through i saw that the delegates had been very creative and had used their research into the crisis effectively. Time constraints, and some digressions meant that both resolutions could not be discussed and amended fully, but the first resolution was passed with a simple majority.

Me, Discussing some professional MUN stuff with Taekyung, the Head of Logistics
A delegate contemplates the beauty of the UN mandate
A lull in the heated debate of my committee, ECOSOC
Imaad, the Vice President of the ICJ, chairing passionately, with all his magnanimous authority
With the state of the world on their shoulders, delegates often are overwhelmed by their immense responsibility. This Delegate faces this fact, mid-conference
The Delegate of Iran, says somethings about something
The delegate of Egypt, gives a moving and passionate speech, the delegate of South Korea in the back raises his placard, obviously having a bone to pick with Egypt. He should chill out.