Sunday, March 31, 2013

Final Habitat Build - 23rd March

For our last build we went to a site near the Airport. There were already some houses put up by previous volunteer groups. This build wasn't too different from the others. This time we were putting up concrete pillars. There were already metal moulds erected onto the foundation, we had to mix the cement and pour it in. there was also a foundation that needed to be dug out for an extra room. So we split into two groups and then switched halfway through. The mixing as usual wasn't extremely tiring, but did require some technical expertise. Though as we moved around the house, carrying the cement proved to be very arduous. Digging up dirt didn't need any skill but was exhausting - the ground was very compact in this area.
It was a little sad that this would be the last build we would have to do. after 2 years i had stuck with Habitat for humanity. It was enjoyable as well as rewarding, and i seriously consider volunteering individually after i am done with school

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

COMUN - 3rd Day of Conference

 Me, Discussing some important matters with the delegate of Egypt regarding Carbon Tax

Overseeing the debate, which is my job

 The delegate of Iran, makes some comments on the role of subsidies in creating unfair competition

 His comments have obviously raised some controversy, other delegates are desperate to interject

The Delegate of Spain, speaks and makes hand gestures to supplement his points

After having an epiphany, the Delegate of China seeks to share it with the house

The Delegate of Zambia finds it all quite amusing

While the Delegate of the UK turns to face his opposition, the Delegate of South Korea, his supporter, the delegate of India attempts to defend the UK and counter the points brought out by South Korea.

The Delegate of Egypt has just heard a remark contradicting his stance on the issue, he raises his placard to comment.

COMUN - 2nd Day of Conference

Monday, March 18, 2013

COMUN - 1st Day of Conference

On the first conference day we opened with discussing the topic - The Question of the formulation of a comprehensive "aid, development and civil protection program" for IDP's and civil society within the Gaza Strip. This topic addresses an issue of global importance - the problem of creating long term development for the people within the Palestinian-Israeli conflict while hostilities are still present. The ECOSOC's mandate is not to find a conclusion to the debate between the two sides but to ensure that the people of Gaza are protected during this time and are given the means to develop. However despite this fact, there still much discussion on the legitimacy of the Israeli state, mainly brought up by the delegate of Iran. I felt that this discussion would not lead to any agreement since the opposing sides would be violating their foreign policy if they agreed to compromise. I tried to end the debate on the Palestinian statehood, and move onto a discussion on the best way to help and protect the people caught in the conflict, but to no avail.